Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Please Do Not Be One of Them

Given the season and the unprecedented seriousness surrounding it, allow me to share my thoughts and plea without political bias.

Roughly fifty percent of the American populace believes right-wing fascists and their respective conservative representation within government to be an existential threat to American Democracy.  

The other fifty percent believe instead that it is the radical-left-socialists and their representative liberal arm within the government that poses an identical threat to the American Republic.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Get Me My Macros!

Whether we want to lose a few pounds or enter a physique competition, getting our diet right will determine whether we succeed or fail.

By now, everyone knows that nutrition and diet play a primary role in getting results. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

10-Ways to Ensure Better Results

Why make it so Hard on Yourself?

At some point, each of us has knowingly, or in retrospect, behaved in ways that worked against our best interests.

There is no doubt that we can be our worst enemies at times.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Are You Training Consistently Without Much to Show for it?

Okay, folks.  I have a ton of questions I need to ask.

I want to give you a fair warning because I’m going to play the tough coach here.

I will be asking the difficult but necessary questions required if you want to take your game to the next level.

Your future progress will skyrocket if you answer these questions honestly and take action accordingly. 

Allow me to begin.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Do Something!

Don’t just stand there, do something!  That was the first title that came to mind when thinking about how I might introduce the topic of training equipment, working out, and the venues available to facilitate such.

What I am referring to here is taking action, any action – whatever it may be, whether it is to get started or to keep going.