Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Why are they so afraid of the Big Orange Wolf?

I realize this is a site about fitness, but I would be remiss to ignore speaking to the historic nature of the times in which we live. 

World events taking place as we speak, and what unfolds as a result in the coming months, is going to change the course of humanity for several generations to come.

On Trump

Perhaps the only thing I like about Trump is the fact that he has vehement enemies from every quarter of the swamp. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Please Do Not Be One of Them

Given the season and the unprecedented seriousness surrounding it, allow me to share my thoughts and plea without political bias.

Roughly fifty percent of the American populace believes right-wing fascists and their respective conservative representation within government to be an existential threat to American Democracy.  

The other fifty percent believe instead that it is the radical-left-socialists and their representative liberal arm within the government that poses an identical threat to the American Republic.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Get Me My Macros!

Whether we want to lose a few pounds or enter a physique competition, getting our diet right will determine whether we succeed or fail.

By now, everyone knows that nutrition and diet play a primary role in getting results.