Monday, November 2, 2020

Get Me My Macros!

Whether we want to lose a few pounds or enter a physique competition, getting our diet right will determine whether we succeed or fail.

By now, everyone knows that nutrition and diet play a primary role in getting results. 

The holidays are rapidly approaching and with them a new year ahead.  The turning of another year brings with it an annual quest for many of us to turn a new leaf, adopt resolutions, and begin anew.

I have written in the past about TDEE, which stands for Total Daily Energy Expenditure.  TDEE also referred to as “maintenance,” is simply the number of calories we need each day to maintain our current weight.

Accurately estimating our TDEE is the very first step toward establishing the daily macros required to achieve our current goals.

The spirit of giving seems to have struck me a bit early this year.  I have been thinking of what those who follow my work might like, and find to be of practical value.

What I have come up with is to give my audience a preliminary estimate of daily macro targets that will help them achieve their current goals.

Fill out the form, and upon receipt, I will prepare for you a custom preliminary report, no strings attached.

Until Next Time,

-Coach Joe


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