Sunday, October 25, 2020

10-Ways to Ensure Better Results

Why make it so Hard on Yourself?

At some point, each of us has knowingly, or in retrospect, behaved in ways that worked against our best interests.

There is no doubt that we can be our worst enemies at times.

We hope to learn from such misguided behavior and do whatever we can to avoid making those same mistakes again in the future.

Let’s face it - if, given a choice, most of us would like everything in life to be as easy as possible.  Such is human nature.

The notion I am exploring today is one suggesting that being hard on ourselves can also be a good thing.

In contrast to reflexively looking for the easy way out, there are good reasons for us to embrace what is hard.

Mastering what is difficult is the only path to a meaningful life, fulfillment, and success.


Hard Work

Be it the never-ending work necessary to nurture relationships, land a job, launch a career, or build a business, the majority of such work is difficult and often challenging.

Do not be afraid of hard work. Hard work is your very best friend.

The sooner we accept the universal truth that hard work yields much-desired benefits, the sooner we can get to work on such and begin reaping the rewards of our labor.

Fair enough, you say.  Doing so, however, is easy to ponder but hard to put into action.  

Let me explain where I am going with all this.

The Body/Mind Connection

Health, fitness, and diet are perfect examples of three of the most challenging areas where we should intentionally be making it hard on ourselves.  

Most of us instead succumb to taking the easy way out when it comes to what perhaps is the embodiment of our best self-interest – our health and well-being.

Here are ten suggestions to improve the results we get from our efforts put forth in both the gym and in the kitchen.

Work Hard

1.    Don’t just show up at the gym and go through the motions.


2.    Make every set and rep count for what you want it to accomplish.


3.    Don’t just say you are going to try to eat healthier or curb your portion sizes.


4.    Rid your fridge and pantry of all junk food.


5.    Get a scale for your kitchen and start weighing out your portions according to the Macros you have outlined for yourself.


Work Smart

6.    Use a calendar to schedule your days and weeks.


7.    Use a running task list to remind yourself of projects, goals, deadlines, and important things that require action.


8.    Stay one step ahead of yourself.  Always have everything you need on hand.


9.    Arrange your environments so that they are conducive to accomplishing your goals.


10.    Master your daily routines to every extent possible.  Focus only on those items that are   priorities and of the most benefit to you.


Well, there you have it, folks.  Now get busy and start making life harder on yourself!

You will be happy you did, and in due course, you will thank me. 


Until Next Time,

-Coach Joe


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