Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Are You Training Consistently Without Much to Show for it?

Okay, folks.  I have a ton of questions I need to ask.

I want to give you a fair warning because I’m going to play the tough coach here.

I will be asking the difficult but necessary questions required if you want to take your game to the next level.

Your future progress will skyrocket if you answer these questions honestly and take action accordingly. 

Allow me to begin.

Are you dieting and training consistently with little or nothing to show for it?

Are you one of those people who have been going to the gym like clockwork for years and still look nearly the same as when you started?

Have you made some progress only to reach what seems to be a permanent plateau void of any further progress?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then ask yourself this.

What is the purpose of spending all that time and effort without getting measurable results?

Is your only goal the ability to say that you have been going to the gym regularly for years?  

Whom are you trying to impress?  Whom are you kidding?  Think about that for a minute.

Now think about this. 

What if all that time you spent in the gym delivered you a brand new Ferrari instead of an old beat-up Ford?

Would you go back and do it all over again so you could stand here today with a Ferrari, or are you happy with your old beat-up Ford?

What about from this point forward?  What are you going to do?

Are you going to stick with your no-progress routine and diet plan only to find yourself sputtering along in the same old jalopy next year, or would you prefer showing up cruising in a fine Ferrari?  

I suspect you get where I’m coming from with all these questions.  

There are no right or wrong answers.  By answering honestly, you are the only one that will know what your answers mean and imply.

Listen, if you enjoy passing your time in the gym, are happy with the way you look, your health, and the results from your efforts, then more power to you.  Keep doing what you are doing.

If you are frustrated by honestly answering these questions, do you think it might be time to start getting a meaningful return on the time and energy you are investing in your training and diet?

If you do and you want to be the proud owner of a Ferrari at some point, then consider rethinking a new strategy TODAY!

If I can be of any assistance in helping you to correct your course, all you need to do is to reach out, and I’ll be there. 


Until Next Time,

-Coach Joe 


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