Thursday, October 8, 2020

Is it Time for a Next-Level Move?

Whether we are just getting started or reaching a plateau in our fitness journeys, a question we often ask ourselves is; what can I do to take my game to the next level?

I remember asking myself that very question when I began my comeback several years ago.  The question of taking things up a notch is an ever-present one in my mind.

Having occasional doubts about the path we are on is natural.  If we are not making progress over time, our level of doubt escalates, as it should.

At the beginning of our journey, all we might need is someone to believe in us so we can begin to believe in ourselves.

As we reach various milestones, we often require a new focus to keep us moving forward with renewed vigor.

Of course, we all know where the buck stops - right?

You got that right; the buck stops with us!

No matter who or what we employ to get us to the next level, it all boils down to each of us having the individual determination, willpower, and discipline to make it all happen.

You might feel ready for a next-level move now, or you may sense you are getting close to throwing in the towel, or that you are losing interest in pursuing your goals due to uncertainty about your diettraining program, or a lack of tangible progress.  

If any of the above applies to you, let me know how I can help.  Seeking assistance and guidance on the matter is a smart choice.


Until next time,

-Coach Joe


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