Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Why the Challenge and Why 90-Days?

In light of the Incredible Body Transformations 90-Day Challenge, I thought it would be helpful to relay a few of the benefits of participating in a fitness challenge such as ours.

Specifics of Accountability

Another way of stating the above is that dreams are ambitions with deadlines. 

If we wish to pursue and achieve our dreams, we must have deadlines and checkpoints in place to track our progress.

Participating in a fitness challenge accomplishes this.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

My 40-year Fitness Journey


In truth, each of us is unique, gifted, and special.  Despite this, in the spirit of a song by Joe Walsh, I will always consider myself an Ordinary Average Guy.  

My name is Joe, and I turn 61 today.

The story of my fitness journey begins and ends with bodybuilding.  I have learned many lessons from bodybuilding.  One of the most important was discipline.  

This single lesson gave me stability and success throughout my life.  What follows intends to entertain, inspire, and prompt a sense of gratitude for being.

Here is my story.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Why I Love BodySpace

Though showing its age, BodySpace remains a rather special place.  Despite its glitches, thousands of users enjoy and rely upon this platform daily.

One has to assume most of the glitches are due to a lack of platform upkeep and maintenance. 

The neglect of BodySpace appears to be intentional.  The BodyFit platform is the new darling taking front and center stage.

Nonetheless, I don’t think I am alone in preferring BodySpace to the newer BodyFit app.  Which do you prefer?

What do I love most about BodySpace?

Sunday, September 20, 2020

TDEE: What is it, and why is it so important?

Whether one is interested in transforming their bodies, becoming a bodybuilder, or simply getting themselves into better shape, the common element essential to success in all these pursuits is DIET.

One of the critical benchmarks to consider when formulating a diet regardless of its objective is to determine an individual's TDEE.

TDEE stands for Total Daily Energy Expenditure.

Simply stated, ones TDEE is the best estimate of how many calories one burns each day.

It is critically important that this estimate be as accurate as possible. 


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Training for Maximum Muscle Growth

For those wanting to pack on size and get big, the age-old question remains the same.  What is the best rep, set, and rest combination to produce maximum hypertrophy or muscle growth?

Before answering this question, I would like to note that one should periodically incorporate a variety of training protocols to avoid stagnant adaptation and plateaus.

Naturally, there is more than one way to skin this cat.  Many professionals and athletes alike will have their own opinion and preferences on this matter, which is all fine and good.

There does, however, seem to be a consensus when it comes to building size, and that’s volume.  Simply stated, the volume is the total sets x reps x weight.