Monday, September 14, 2020

Should You Bulk or Cut?

Regardless of whether someone is just starting, or looking for a better pathway toward achieving their goals, one of the most common questions asked is whether they should bulk or cut first.


The answer is subjective to a degree, however, there are some basic rules of thumb we can apply to answer this ever-pressing question.

The Purpose of the Cut and Bulk Cycle

People too often take the concept of bulking way out of context.  Many people tend to draw the wrong conclusion as to what bulking is truly all about. 

Bulking is NOT eating anything one wants with reckless abandon and gaining as much weight as possible.  Sadly, this is a rather common misconception.   

The purpose of using cut and bulk cycles is to put on lean muscle-mass effectively and efficiently, whilst keeping body fat levels manageable and in check.

As such, accurate body fat estimates are essential to ascertain and monitor throughout a complete two-stage cycle.

Though opinions vary, I am in the camp that supports splitting bulk and cut phases into longer 6-month cycles.  Doing so allows for full adaptation and optimal retention of gains on both sides of the spectrum.

Optimal Body Fat Levels

Is there an optimal body fat level for muscle growth?  I believe there is. 

Although, there will be disagreements on the matter; I believe the optimal level of body fat to promote maximum muscle growth is between 10% – 12%. 


Deciding Factors

What condition are you in right now?  If your body fat level is higher than 12%, then bulking is NOT advisable. 

Instead, it would make sense to cut your body fat to 10% or less before considering any sort of bulk phase.

If your current body fat is 10% or less then you should consider a slow lean bulking cycle.  It’s that simple. 

Learn more about my thoughts on diet and nutrition here.

Until next time, 

-Coach Joe   


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